What's the Dang Diddly Point?

Think Like a Pancreas: Chapter 2, Your Cheat Guide!


Amidst walking the stressful, fine line of managing your best blood glucose numbers (not too high! oh wait... but not too low) 24/7, we can neglect the reality of the benefits of exactly why are body needs us to try our very best. 

Chapter 2 discusses the "What's in it for your now?' & "What in it for you later?" i.e. What are the benefits of short term and long term blood sugar control, while also bringing to light the consequences of high blood sugars.

Balanced [happy] blood sugars (70-130), allow your body to perform at its best physically & mentally. When your blood sugars are elevated, every system of your body is affected. 

Elevated glucose hinders fuel from entering your body’s cells for energy. Even a temporary [blood sugar] high can slow you down. If you want to feel your best, be present for work; your family & friends, and have enough endurance to get through your workouts, keeping blood sugars balanced is crucial.

Dehydration is another consequence of our bodies response to high blood glucose, this is why it’s important to keep hydrated and nourish your body throughout the day. Muscle fatigue, stiffness, and diminished strength occurs due to sugar blocking the connection between the muscles and the nerves.

Do you find yourself catching the cold or flu’s easier? While having Type 1 is naturally stressful for your body (making you more susceptible to disease/fatigue), bacteria and viruses LOVE sugar. The higher your blood sugars, the more at risk you are at picking up that cold or flu going around. 

What about weight gain?

There are many factors that affect your physique, and elevated blood sugars is one of them. Chapter 2 discusses the importance of leptin, a hunger controlling hormone that tells the brain how much fat is stored within your body. High blood sugars can compromise the power of leptin leading you to eat more and carry extra fat on your body.  If you want to lose fat, you must keep excess sugar out of your blood stream and into your cells.  

Feeling mentally scattered, drained, and exhausted comes with managing a chronic illness but with better control, you will find more clarity. Blood sugar imbalance can decrease your ability to focus and be creative. Mood swings, anxiety, and depression are also culprits of poor control. 

Having elevated blood sugars over the long term leads to the elevated risk of disease and internal damage. Every major system of the body is effected when you allow your blood sugars to range high. “Let the fear and anger associated with longterm diabetic complication serve as a positive motivator.” 

Blindness, amputation, kidney failure, and heart disease are some of the tragic realities of long-term poor blood sugar control. Long term imbalance = long term stress on your body. 

While it’s a scary, depressing thought to encounter any complication, if you maintain good glucose control, you CAN avoid them. 

Until next week friends…
